Posts Tagged ‘Pondering Points’

Taken from: Randy’s Ramblings – December 08th, 2011

The Top One Percent


Here’s a short blurb about how well we have things in the U.S. of A. 

 “If you make over two hundred thousand dollars per year you are part of the richest 5 percent in America.” 

 I guess that doesn’t apply to any of us, but read on. 

 “However if your household makes eighty thousand dollars per year you are part of the richest 1 percent in the world.” 

Ok, still a little bit more than most of us make, but it hits closer to home.  I couldn’t find the figures for 50K or 60K for world wide status.  While many of us may never see the 200K figure, I think most of us will reach or pass the 80K in our life time. 

Consider that you are now (or will be before too long) be in the top one percent of the world’s wealthiest people and then consider how you have managed and spent that money.  We will have that three-dip ice cream at Brewster’s, while someone else will not have dinner.  It’s your money, you earned it, and it’s your right to have that ice cream.  I am not trying to criticize your decision.  I’m just throwing it out there for thought.

 Much like land, money and riches are just things that we are stewards of.  (Time falls into this category as well.)  This means that wealth and riches are not bad; nor must they be good for that matter. 

 It’s not the wealth; it’s what you do with it.